September 15, 2008


yang nulis isma di 12:24 PM
Word is important and significant thing to describe everything in our mind. But not all people are interested in using many words. Even though, less word some times couldn’t give good explanation for other people.

Word is my world. I can’t stop using my words to ask something that I haven’t understood yet. I can’t hold back my words to clarify everything that I am still confuse about it. I can’t keep my words to answer any question that was asked to me. Especially, my words are my eyes to share my feelings, dreams, joys, and sorrows. So, I more interested to speak up my mind in my words.

ini tulisan tahun 2008 haha
aku baca di tahun 2011 kok jadi bingung
alias kacaw-balaw wkwkwkwk

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