April 15, 2011

soul friend

yang nulis Isma Kazee di 3:49 AM
soul home of soul friend
impossible to apart
ears can hear words but can’t speak
eyes can see but can’t show
are they faithful? definitely yes
do they need proof? certainly no
powerful time let it be
sad, happy, cry, smile, day, night
ha ha ha life
he is always there, needless eyes, ears or hands
close them, shut them, tie them
open the door
is he there?
can closed eyes see? Can tied hands touch?
can ears listen to the silence
he is there like air

1 komentar:

Gaphe said...

emang yang namanya teman, sahabat, soulmate, apapun itu sebutannya.. nggak akan pamrih ketika diminta bantuannya.


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