This is an interesting video I get from my class.
This video shows me how to review the present of women in the movie that is called by “The Bechdel Test”.
There are three questions to measure:
- Are there two or more women in it and do they have names?
- Do they talk to each other?
- Do they talk to each other about something other than a man?
I think this test is a simple way to see women representation in the movie. Because it is possible that women presence is actually being used by others for other purposes. Women are not portrayed as “Self”. So, the actor is actually a man, while a woman is a compliment.
mudik ke manoa
waktu aku akan balik ke indonesia dari hawaii tahun 2012, aku sudah
berharap kalau suatu saat akan bisa datang lagi ke pulau cantik ini.
harapan itu teru...
6 years ago
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