December 04, 2010


yang nulis Isma Kazee di 3:16 AM
"do you hate me?"
"ya maybe. you made it."
"not me, but your self."
silent. the wind sounds, moves over the leaf. does the wind hates the leaf?
"but i don't. or actually i am not hating you, but i am forgetting you. it's much better. so, let me go and you will be happy with your life."

in the morning, the leaf does not ask anything.

haha, suseh nulis cerpen pake enggris.
jadinya mentok deeeeh
dasar enyonge bae sih sing ga jossss :D

1 komentar:

Diah Alsa said...

ngakunya susah nulis pake English tapi buat paper in English pasti udah jagoooo bangeettt *ayooo Mbak ngakuu deh :D


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